Pop! Pop! Pop! Not able to see it but can hear it. Shhh..... Listen to the sound. A drum? Fireworks? A gun? What could it be? The heat rises, the tension builds up. Then the microwave chirps a beep! Smells like butter. Looks like a cloud. Tastes salty. Crunches like snow between your teeth.
Popcorn starts as a little seed. Farmers plant it, water, and nurture the corn. It eventually grows into tall corn stalks that reach for the sky. Workers harvest the long, fat cobs of corn. Lay the cobs out to dry the kernels. Then shave the rows of kernels off the cobs. Next, apply heat to the corn kernels and it will pop into popcorn! Most are in favor of the wonderful flavor of this fluffy, salty, buttery, yellow, and white treat.
Popcorn can be compared to our future in life. We start with a goal as our seed. We plant that goal by taking action. Water it with practice. Nurture it with confidence. Pretty soon the goal grows into a reality. Lay your accomplishments out . Harvest the skills. Then layer by layer you have almost reached it. Next, put it all together apply motivation. The goal has became a certainty. Congratulations the popcorn has popped and the goal has been reached.
Life can be like a kernel of popcorn, some pop in to something wonderful, some do not. Popcorn kernels are full of potential. They either use the heat in their favor to pop or let the heat burn them . Popcorn like people can either use the heat to help fulfill their goals and reach their highest potential in life, or they can let obstacles in life burn them. Some popcorn kernels do not react positively to the heat and become a fluffy treat. Like a person not living up to their goals in life.