Thursday, December 16, 2010

Object essay! POPCORN!! (:

Pop! Pop! Pop! Not able to  see it but can hear it. Shhh..... Listen to the sound. A drum? Fireworks? A gun? What could it be?  The heat rises, the tension builds up. Then the microwave chirps a  beep!  Smells like butter. Looks like a cloud. Tastes salty. Crunches like snow between your teeth.
                Popcorn starts as a little seed. Farmers plant it, water, and nurture the corn. It eventually grows into tall corn stalks that reach for the sky. Workers harvest the long, fat cobs of corn.  Lay the cobs out to dry the kernels. Then  shave the rows of kernels off the cobs.  Next,  apply heat to the corn kernels and it will pop into  popcorn!  Most are in favor of the wonderful flavor  of this fluffy, salty, buttery, yellow, and white treat.
                Popcorn can be compared to our future in life. We start with a goal as our seed. We plant that goal by taking action. Water it with practice. Nurture it with confidence.  Pretty soon the goal grows into a reality. Lay your accomplishments out . Harvest the skills. Then  layer by layer you have almost reached it.  Next, put it all together apply motivation. The goal has became a certainty.  Congratulations the popcorn has popped and the goal has been reached.
                Life can be like a kernel of popcorn,  some pop in to something wonderful,  some do not. Popcorn kernels are full of potential.  They either use the heat in their favor to pop or let the heat burn them .  Popcorn like people can either use the heat to help fulfill their goals and reach their highest potential in life, or they can let obstacles in life burn them.  Some popcorn kernels do not  react positively to the heat and become a fluffy treat.   Like a person not living up to their goals in life.

Huck Finn essay! Who should children be raised by?

In  the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by: Mark Twain I stuck with my opinion that it is not always good for children to be raised by their parents. Huck had a rotten father who didn't treat him kindly. Some parents shouldn't be allowed to have kids because of their everyday actions that they choose. Certain parents aren't capable of raising their children.
                Huck had a rotten father who didn't treat him kindly. Pap never really tried to be a good father to Huck. Coming home drunk, or as soon as he got money he ran out to get alcohol. sometimes he was not even home to give Huck the love and care a child needs. A fourteen year old child needs stabilization, somebody to take care of them, and a good father to love them.  Jim took over the role of Huck's father. He was a role model to Huck. Jim taught Huck right from wrong. He also taught  Huck about what was lucky and what wasn't. He comforted, helped, and cared for Huck. Jim had a relationship with Huck that he had never had with his own pap.
                Some parents shouldn't be allowed to have kids because of their everyday actions they choose. Parents who come home drunk or are drunk most of the time tend to be mean to their children. Their kids may be suffering because of their alcohol, and drug addictions. Some parents choose to abuse their children by taking out their anger on them from work, or their daily frustrations.
                Certain parents aren't capable of raising their children. Many parents aren't able to take care of their children finically.  Some children suffer from hunger due to their parent's actions of how they use their money on their addictions. Most teen moms struggle to take care of their baby. In that case adoption is sometimes the best choice for the mom and the baby. Abusive parents whether they think they are able to take care of their children or not shouldn't be able too. It puts the child's life in danger. In that case the child is usually better off away from that parent or in a different  home.
                If Huck wouldn't have ran away from home he would live a completely different life. Pap treated him rudely, and un kind. He may have abused Huck if he had continued to stay with him. Huck may have suffered from nutrition, care, and love that a father should provide for his child.
                As I have read this book and seen Huck struggle with his pap. I have came to decide and also felt this way before reading Huck Finn that children being raised by their parents isn't always the safest and best choice. Huck had a rotten father who didn't treat him kindly. Some parents shouldn't be allowed to have kids because of their everyday actions that they choose. Certain parents aren't capable of raising their children. Even though it may be hard for the parent and child to be separated in some cases it is what is best. I have great parents that take care of me and love me, and I hope to do the same for my children one day. I can't imagine the things the Huck went through he was brave little boy.  He did what was best for him he got out of a bad situation before it got worse. Jim came along to the rescue and protected and gave him the care he needed.