Friday, March 18, 2011

How can I encourage my friends to show pride in being an American? Essay :)

                How can I encourage my friends to show pride in being an American?  American's are really blessed because we have the opportunity to be ourselves. We have had a great foundation for freedom laid for us by our forefathers.  They thoughtfully crafted for us the Declaration Of Independence and The Constitution Of The United States. These two documents provide us a guide to maintain and safe guard  our freedoms. There are many examples of rights in America that other people in different countries don't get to experience. Many men and women dedicated their lives so that we can live, think and speak our hearts.  There were many men who gave their lives so that we could recite the pledge of allegiance at school. We possess the right to worship how we desire. The people of the United States have the choice of what religion to practice.  In America we believe that all human life is of value, we have the right to bear and keep all of our offspring regardless of gender. 
            There were many men who gave their lives so that we could recite the pledge of allegiance at school. Every day we get up and say the pledge at school. Do you stop and think what you're saying? Most teens don't. I would encourage my friends to think about the pledge and what it stands for."The colors of the pales (the vertical stripes) are those used in the flag of the United States of America; White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valor, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."   ( If everyone could stop and think about what the flag stands for as they place their hand on their heart and recite the pledge or sing the national anthem while gazing at the flag. Americans would be more likely to be thankful for their freedom.
            The people of the United States have the choice of what religion to practice. In the constitution it states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The United States is very fortunate we have the choice to join a church or not to join at all. We are allowed to believe what we want to believe. We are not forced to believe anything. Teens should see this as an opportunity. They aren't being forced to be part of any religion unless they want to be part of it.
            In America we believe that all human life is of value, we have the right to bear and keep all of our offspring regardless of gender.  On any given day in the US, 10,657 babies are born. If my friends could realize that even though they are here today if they were born in China there is a good chance they would be in an orphanage or not be alive, especially the girls. American families have the option of an abortion, raising their child, or an adoption.  Not one is required just because the baby is a girl.
            If America still was in the time where we had slaves, where people believed blacks didn't matter, or where poor people weren't thought of as people. What a horrific world that would be. Blacks would not have the rights they have today they wouldn't get the opportunity to live a regular life. Poor people would be living rotten lives they wouldn't be treated equal at all. Little baby girls would be killed just because of their gender.
            How can I encourage my friends to be proud that they are American. American's are really blessed because we have the opportunity to be ourselves. We have had a great foundation for freedom laid for us by our forefathers.  They thoughtfully crafted for us the Declaration Of Independence  and The Constitution Of The United States. These two documents provide us a guide to our maintain and safe guard  our freedoms. There are many examples of rights  in America that other people in different countries don't get to experience. Many men and women dedicated their lives so that we can live, think and speak our hearts.  There were many men who gave their lives so that we could recite the pledge of allegiance at school. We possess the right to worship how we desire. The people of the United States have the choice of what religion to practice.  In America we believe that all human life is of value, we have the right to bear and keep all of our offspring regardless of gender.  We have the opportunity to live a wonderful life. We have so many blessings that come with our freedom. We are spoiled compared to other countries. The flag, the pledge, the national anthem, The Constitution, The Declaration Of Independence, the men who died,  a strong government and an elected President. These are just a few of the reasons we live free lives today.  We should vote, obey the law, stand up and place our hands on our heart when we see the flag, and support our troops.  These are all ways to be a good example of a freedom loving patriotic American.  I am thankful for my freedom and the life I live as an American.


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